Monday, June 16, 2008

Mixed Bag

Finally a new post. Hope y'all likes.

It gets hard keeping the motivation on top when running a
one-man-business, and doing stuff on command can be a challenge sometimes. However seeing my stuff finished in
the end is very rewarding...not to mention seeing money
appearing in my account.

A professional artist says in his teaching videos on youtube
that doing your own stuff in your spare time is very important.
I've been trying to do that and I've noticed that this boosts
my joy for drawing.


Paul Lalo said...

haha!! Great SUCCESS!! Love the chocolat guy! What's been happening man?? How's freelance going?

Makoto said...


hehe nice work man!

yay for updating!

I'm still working on it~! \(>3<)/

hope everything is going well!


longdefeat ♣ said...


I agree - drawing and creating in your spare time and doing it for yourself is really good. Practice and learning as well as fun ;D

/end ramble

Leath said...

Haakon! These are amazing man.
Any chance you're able to post some of the work you've been getting paid to do? Would be really interesting to see.

My favourite pic is the guy screaming - unreal

bn said...

Sehr gut Harr Andersen, ich liebe der Chocolate Mensche. There's a definite improvement in your work. Hope all is well.

Unknown said...

holy dollop of awesome haakon!!! these are amazing! great to see some recent work from you. the dog is top notch. hope all is going well man

Maruna said...

Wow Amazing art Haakon!! I love the guy eating the chocolates *yum yum*!! How are you back in norway?? Missing you!!!

Anonymous said...

one of those screaming guys totally looks like paul. nice.